I don't know if you recall, but a few months ago I mentioned that I am working on an open source protocol and I wrote the code for Multiprotocol to be the transmit module. I have finished up the rece…
The nchar count in the nexus output file is totally wrong. For sim SE rad data the actual count for nchar is 82944, but the output.nex says nchar=118000.
I'm running R3.3.1 on Ubuntu, an previously installed SeqArray on a mac (R3.3.1 again) with no issues
I'm getting a Seqfault with the seqVCF2GDS function. I've reinstalled R, plus all dependencies an…
When feeding #each an array of objects, if the objects have _id in them at the instance level than each uses the full range of observable related dom transformations which means that interaction with …
I'm trying to determine if I have an installation error or if a couple functions (seqAlleleCount and seqNumAllele) aren't exported.
> library(SeqArray")
> out_file gt_gds = seqOpen(out_file)
> seqSu…
I used GATK to analyze a gene panel for several subjects. I used snpEff for annotation and then used GATK's variantannotator to make the final vcf file. Now when I am trying to make a GDS f…
Hello & thanks for the great work. This is similar to previous issue by randomStat. I used GATK to analyze whole genome sequencing data for two samples. I used snpEff for annotation and then used GATK…
I using `u2622:persistent-session` in my project at that time i get one error.The error is "**Uncaught Error: Meteor does not currently support objects other than ObjectID as ids**".I didn't get any i…
I'm trying to parse a VCF file with haploid genotypes, and got a segfault. Does SeqArray currently support haploid genotypes?
> library(SeqArray)
Loading required package: gds…
When statsmodels.tools.categorical creates the column names for the categories as follows:
(line 157)
if not tmp_arr.dtype.names:
tmp_arr = np.squeeze(tmp_arr).astype('str').tolist()