Hi , I have a tflite model trained with tensorflow 1.x
I have converted my model to tflite with below code:
converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_saved_model(
On TFLite's Android plugin, Flex delegates can be enabled by adding `implementation 'org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite-select-tf-ops:2.12.0'` to the `dependencies` within `android/build.gradle`, and by …
From https://www.tensorflow.org/versions/r1.15/api_docs/python/tf/zeros_like,
> Optionally, you can use dtype to specify a new type for the returned tensor.
Lets find a way to support this in _l…
It seems part of the code haven't been compiled. Any idea on how to fix it? Thanks in advance!
FAILED: subgraph-size-test.exe
C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /C "cd . && C:\Programs\Python\Python…
I'm using [this](https://tfhub.dev/intel/lite-model/midas/v2_1_small/1/lite/1) tflite model and running it on my PC using this script
import cv2
import tensorflow as tf
import urllib.request
### Issue type
### Have you reproduced the bug with TensorFlow Nightly?
### Source
### TensorFlow version
tf 2.14.0
### Custom code
### OS platform and distribution
# Prerequisites
Please answer the following questions for yourself before submitting an issue.
- [ x ] I am using the latest TensorFlow Model Garden release and TensorFlow 2.
- [ x ] I am repor…
Hi Everyone,
i built an NN with BatchNormalization layer and i have tried to quantize the whole model for EdgeTPU application. I have read that i can use this layer after Dense or Conv2D layer in t…
when loading the model, it report this error:
Select TensorFlow op(s), included in the given model, is(are) not supported by this interpreter. Make sure you apply/link the Flex delegate before in…
I found my model and script works good on windows, but not on raspbian, so i wrote a new short program but still unknow what's wrong. These are the steps of my test script:
1. nuget. Including `Emgu.…