I'm using this app to navigate *headless* when bicycling (I have my phone in a pocket and a headset to get the announcements). Since I can't see the screen it would be nice to have the app tell me to …
In France, Living streets are limited to 20kph. Right now it is not depicted on Cyclosm unless the highway is tagged with maxspeed=20 which is not recommended and redundant.
Cyclosm should use the …
Some of the routing information between 2 stops is incorrect based on the traffic data that are being displayed on the map. Specifically, between some of the transit stops, the map shows ro…
Related to #78 and #73, as a part of the indexer, attempt to store contextual information should happen as a side effect. A separate process shouldn't handle it. Additionally, differing from the propo…
Feature request
Предлагаю заменить `@Component` на `@Directive`, потому что данные компоненты не имеют шаблонов (кроме `ya-map` и `ya-panorama`).
КМК это более правильное решение.
При этом решени…
Prepare CSV of workout sample data in [Excel spreadsheet](https://niuits-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/z1871157_students_niu_edu/EdtXoGA-rp5Do4cV6Uh8n_EBfDxr1IBn_I8pC_CBt_ERSg?e=2dJbns) for data a…
Current API allows for multiple destinations, but only through TSP (traveling salesman) solver. Users who want to plan a bike trip to multiple destinations in a particular order (Hillsboro to downtown…
视频发布于 June 4, 2020 at 08:00PM
【手工耿•Useless Edison】自製噴ğ…
# :tada: Welcome Outreachy applicants Summer 2021 :tada:
Hello :wave: and welcome to PublicLab :balloon: We are so excited to have you here :heart: . This is a discussion issue for all of you. Ple…
Both the TSV spreadsheet and README with added Polish are attached.