Is possible or could you guys make it possible for youtubecenter to exit fullscreen automatic when a video is over?
video controllers are not showing in my player.below is my configurations
var playerParam = {
"pcode": "my_pcode",
"playerBrandingId": "my_branding",
i am new to this rtsp_player-->
I want to run the rtsp streaming in my computer
so i follow this document (https://github.com/Streamedian/html5_rtsp_player)
i did every thing right but when i…
I am testing the Library on the Kaltura CE5 and latest Falcon edition. I am using the Dynamic embed and using the "LeadWithHTML5".
How do I enable the flavour selection and preferred flavour on the …
ghost updated
11 years ago
As discussed on Discord, would be great to add the feature that allows buffering a video in advance similar to some streaming services online. This can help with high bitrate files, slower connections…
Would it be worth adding a readme with prerequisites for players using OpenVV? I can see in the code for example that a player embedded in an iframe returns an error. As far as I can discern, the…
created by: @smagnusson (smagnusson)
created at: 2012-07-02
original ticket: http://open.silverstripe.org/ticket/7611
MP3 and movie files can be uploaded, and hand-written into HTML, but not via…
Porting the game to Haxe and OpenFL framework may be a alternative method instead of using a custom flash player.
It could enable:
- Native binaries
- HTML5 Support
Is it just me or does the thumbnail that's supposed to appear on the player when you load/refresh a page not work for HTML5? All I get is a black screen. It works for Flash.
It seems all killers are not working on safari 10(new update on 2016/9)
Any possibility to support safari 10?
I still need left click to download video / send to airplay / no ad. html5 player