## Problem Statement
`VADOTGOV_FacilityLocator` is our Lighthouse Facilities API consumer. This user is used in 2 known cases:
1. `facilities-api` - which we own and operate (with endpoints like `/…
## Planning
- [Planning doc](https://dvagov-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/danielle_thierry_va_gov/EWE943KQyZdHsvfrYGnw41ABTR3LPfusbE9GmAzaQVP1JA?e=6n4S2B)
## Published articles
- How to set up di…
As I mentioned, we have a need to have allied health profession (practitioner)role
This is less defined and we currently are working on this branch in MAxO (https://github.com/monarch-initiative/MA…
### 1.) Requestor's Name
Amy Lai
### 2.) Requestor's Email
### 3.) VA Team
OCTO Benefits - Claims Status Tool (CST)
### 4.) What is the name of the project or change?…
## Issue Description
_Provide content review and feedback for Vet Center's updated description to be used as web page intro copy._
#### Background
Facilities team is designing a new website tem…
Here are some possible meta tags we could add:
The value in 'text' field for a page looks correct and has better information compared to 'md'. Look at page 18 of this attached pdf.
I would like to propose the addition of a medical healthcare chatbot to the website. The chatbot would serve as a virtual assistant, providing users with general healthcare advice, symptom checking, a…
FreshRSS Flaresolverr Extension installed using docker compose
version: "2.1"
image: ghcr.io/flaresolverr/flaresolverr:latest
restart: always
## Title: Scheduling medical treatment (from Berners-Lee et al, 2001)
### Submitter(s):
Stephen Cranefield
### Description:
This use case is from the article "The Semantic Web" by Tim Ber…