### [🎯 Issue RSS-ECOMM-3_04: Implement Sorting Functionality for Product List Using commercetools API (15 points)](https://github.com/rolling-scopes-school/tasks/blob/master/tasks/eCommerce-Applicatio…
### [🎯 Issue RSS-ECOMM-3_05: Implement Search Functionality for Product List Using commercetools API (20 points)](https://github.com/rolling-scopes-school/tasks/blob/master/tasks/eCommerce-Application…
Integrate the login form with the CommerceTools authorization service to handle user authorization by submitting the email 📧 and password 🔑 provided by the user. Set up and configure the CommerceTools…
### [🎯 Issue RSS-ECOMM-3_08: Implement Category 🏷️ and Breadcrumb Navigation 🍞 (25 points)](https://github.com/rolling-scopes-school/tasks/blob/master/tasks/eCommerce-Application/Sprints/Sprint3/RSS-E…
Based on what I have discussed with @nicolasvasilache and @ftynse and from what I've seen in this repo, I have 3 proposals, in order of increasing complexity/difficulty, of infra changes that might be…
### [🎯 Issue RSS-ECOMM-3_20: Implement Routing 🚦 and Browser Navigation 🌐 for User Profile Page (15 points)](https://github.com/rolling-scopes-school/tasks/blob/master/tasks/eCommerce-Application/Spri…
### [🎯 Issue RSS-ECOMM-3_14: Present User's Personal Information on User Profile Page (10 points)](https://github.com/rolling-scopes-school/tasks/blob/master/tasks/eCommerce-Application/Sprints/Sprint…
### Checklist
- [X] I have looked into the [Readme](https://github.com/auth0/nextjs-auth0#readme), [Examples](https://github.com/auth0/nextjs-auth0/blob/main/EXAMPLES.md), and [FAQ](https://github.co…
#### Description
Implement error handling for\_failed\_registration_attempts, including, but not limited to, the following scenarios:
- An email address that already exists in the system: Inform…
### [🎯 Issue RSS-ECOMM-3_12: Implement Enlarged Image Modal (20 points)](https://github.com/rolling-scopes-school/tasks/blob/master/tasks/eCommerce-Application/Sprints/Sprint3/RSS-ECOMM-3_12.md "")