I ran `npx semantic-release` in my Github pipeline with my `GITHUB_TOKEN`.
Everything went well. A new tag is published, but there comes an error at the last step `Failed step "success" of plugin "…
I provided an incorrect URL, however this wasn't evident from the response:
When sn…
To reproduce:
* set the name of a target with SAS9 serverType as the defaultTarget
* run `sasjs auth` for that target
There is now a .env.targetname file with credentials
Run `sasjs cbd`
To reproduce:
1. create a tarball in `@sasjs/utils`
2. in `@sasjs/adapter` install dependency from a tarball of `@sasjs/utils`
3. run `npm run package:lib`
### Current Behavior:
If you install an older version of the package `npm i -g ` and after that install a newer version of it `npm i -g @latest`, the latest source code will be downloaded, but the fu…
To reproduce:
sasjs create demo -t jobs
cd demo
Replace the following line:
> "macroVars": {}
> "macroVars": {"macrovar","macro value"}
Then run:
sasjs compile
When executing `sasjs run` for a SAS9 target _without_ the correct credentials in the `.env` file, the error response is not handled:
This was my fault - was too hasty to merge this PR: https://github.com/sasjs/cli/pull/866
When using a tilde (`~`) in the macroFolders array, the compile process thinks this is a relative (to the sasjs project) path
bash-3.2$ sasjs run https://raw.githubusercontent.com/venkattoluchuri/sas/main/test.sas -t sas9
ℹ Target sas9 was found in your local sasjsconfig.json file. …