*Integration setup*
XCRemoteCache: Xcode 13.3.1 built `master` (`91505a59d2a3b8db3dc0eef90c6fbdc051141169`)
HTTP cache server: Local Demo Docker
Xcode: 13.2.1 (13C100) and 13.3.1 (13E500a)
## Summary
We are trying to solve the problem of how third-party personal data management applications can connect to a user's data across different online services without compromising on their _…
# Open Grant Proposal: `GainForest Transparency Hub`
**Name of Project:** GainForest Transparency Hub
**Proposal Category:** `green`
**Proposer:** `@daviddao`
**(Optional) Technical Sponsor:…
| Name | Description | Size | Format | URL |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| World Bank - Light Every Night | Light Every Night - World Bank Nightime Light Data – provides open access to all night…
I am currently trying to train the model fro detecting handwritten words in Farsi language which is in nature cursive. After some amount of time I get absolutely 0.00 acc and all the predictions from …
- News
- AAAI 2022 2월 22일 ~ 3월 1일 (무려 9일 이나)
- NAVER CLOVA 발표 스케쥴: https://naver-career.gitbook.io/en/teams/clova-cic/events/clova-ai-lab-aaai-2022
- ACL 2022 Notification 2월 23일
- [AI미래…
times are now vague, the GPS data can not only be muffled but also tampered with, and the existing mode of handling the loss of GPS (in auto and RTL mode) is landing - leading to the loss of the airc…
It [has been suggested](https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/929#issuecomment-1267697526) that the use of `@context` should be made optional. This would be a normative change to the current spe…
Interestingly, it embeds the "iso committee identifier" inside
The pattern is `{committee / working group} N{number}`
The general pattern for committee can be:
- "{org}/{tc-type}{/}{sc-number}.…
- News
- 모더레이터 분들의 2021 가장 기억에 남는 논문 혹은 소식 한개씩! (두개 안됨!)
- ACL 2022 (ARR-11월) 리뷰가 화요일 즈음 나옵니당.
- IJCAI 2022 데드라인: 1월 14일 / ICML 2022 데드라인: 1월 20일&27일
- CES 2022 !!!
- 카이스트 교수님들의 시각: …