first of all, thank you for making Philomena FOSS. From my experience while checking it out on Derpibooru it's easily one of the best booru softwares.
I've considered setting up an instan…
ghost updated
4 years ago
sorry, I'm a noob and don't understand this
Debian 10, Docker
What I did:
`docker-compose build`
`docker-compose up -d`
`sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144`
but 502 error appears
here are…
First off i just want to say a big thank you for what you are doing.
im curious if 2 things are possible, you dont have to do them if you dont think you can just curious
1. is it possible to add…
Rationale: the choice combinator currently accepts a list of two or more combinators. However, when writing a macro that can accept a variable number of choices, it is useful to have a combinator that…
I am running Pow with the PowPersistentSession extension and the Mnesia session cache backend [in production](https://philomena.derpibooru.org/session/new) (with some [tweaks](https://github.com/derpi…
### Environment
* Elixir version (elixir -v):
Erlang/OTP 22 [erts-10.4.4] [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [ds:2:2:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe]
Elixir 1.9.1 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 21)
* Ripme version: 1.7.70
* Java version: ```java version "1.8.0_191"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_191-b12)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.191-b12, mixed mode)```
* Ope…
When you run
await dinky().search().random()
it throws
FetchError: invalid json response body at
https://derpibooru.org/search.json?random_image=true reason:
Unexpected end of…
Hi, I run the site this downloader is meant for.
As far as I can tell, your downloader fetches image API metadata by paging into the result set with the `page` parameter.
I want to download all pictures from one artist.
If I do that manually, then I can for example go to:
Then click Download to get the largest image size.
Repeat for…