This may be covered by another function but I couldn't see it in your list of data types.
Is there a way to plot SpatGraticule with ggplot2?
In case you want to access the exact median expressions per condition (or other stats), we have prepared a script for you. First, download your sce object using the button on the upper right. Then, mo…
Maybe I am misunderstanding the expected behavior of the argument `show.legend` in `"ggplot2"`
> Should this layer be included in the legends? NA, the default, includes if any aesthetics are mapped. …
`tm_g_km` is missing ggplot2_args to control additional graphical attributes. Implement ggplot2_args in the same fashion as in other ggplot2 modules in tmc.
Follow-up to #746. A perhaps more ambitious variant of #1108.
When attempting `renv::restore()` from a large `renv.lock` file, the `renv.config.install.transactional` config already avoids a lot of…
Problem Description:
It appears that including step_scale() in the recipe disrupts prediction generation within modeltime. I encountered this issue when evaluating models using modeltime_accuracy() -…
I'm having a small issue when trying to install {duckdb} extensions on my Windows machine. I suspect this is because duckdb is pointing to a `http` url, instead of a `https` url. See reprex and R sess…
The label of y axis overlaps the y axis tick labels:
`data.frame(x=rnorm(100),reallylongvariable=rnorm(100)*100000) %>% ggvis(~x,~reallylongvariable) %>% layer_points()`
The label `reallylongvariabl…
p+geom_dotplot(stackdir = "center", binaxis = "y", dotsize = 0.8,,position = position_dodge(0.9))+scale_y_break(c(1.5, 10) ,scales = c(1,10))…
swcyo updated
3 years ago
Is there an equivalent for facet_wrap?