const api = new gofileApiwrapper(process.env.EMAIL, process.env.TOKEN);
Last version 2.0.0 has seqmentation fault, 2.0.0beta1 hasn't got faults except the need to launch it with `export QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=Fusion` OR `-style=Fusion`.
Linux userpc 5.4.0-72-generic #80~18.…
Should we
- build a platform that allows speaker submissions (and re-submissions to other events)
- use an existing platform like [https://sessionize.com/](Sessionize)
- both (build + integrate)
Seems to be related to locking the screen
Also happens to some other extensions
Go 1.10 works for me on FreeBSD-CURRENT / arm, but I’d love an arm64 port.
The `GoFiles` field in `packages` is the concatenation of `GoFiles` and `CgoFiles` from `go list`.
`go list` returns the two fields sorted (although it seems to not be documented), but `packages` doe…
## Description
After capturing a frame from the 3d_scene example of [Bevy](https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/commit/f520a341d5737600dbf89015b7729109d67cf041) (specific commit), renderdoc logs VK_E…
Hi, I have two Octopis, both running Octoprint 1.5.3 One is a on new 8GB RP4 and the one that I have a problem with is an RP3B+ with just a gig of RAM.
On the RP4, the Ikea plugin is working fine…
Hi maragelis,
First of all perfect job you have done. However I would like to suggest you some improvements:
1. If someone has 2 partitions - code could be easily modified with parameter #define p…
Thank you for gocoder.
We really need examples.
Thank you in advance.