How to Reproduce:
1. Select HF Radar (say WA).
2. Zoom into the area.
3. Select layer tab in step 2.
4. Select any contour/colormap option.
1. Contours will be pixelated, not smoothe…
ncwms abomination is returning not found for this layer. Refer http://geoserver-portal.aodn.org.au/geoserver/ncwms?service=ncwms&request=GetMap&version=1.1.1&format=image/png&bbox=-180,-90,180,90&srs…
I am hosting a ncWMS in a Tomcat servlet container on Linux, but when trying to query the data from a mapbox/leaflet environment (with openstreetmaps=espg:3857 ), I get the error below.
Directly after running the `docker-compose`, the web page won't load until certain tasks are finished.
Should present a page stating some tasks are not finished, instead of this error.
After a w…
I am trying to load netCDF4 data into ncWMS. The following error pops up:
> uk.ac.rdg.resc.edal.exceptions.EdalException: Problem creating dataset 3dh0locu at D:/work/TESTDATA/earthcube//asr15km.an…
We're currently getting around 1800 500 errors a day for a number of new layers which don't follow existing gridded data layer naming conventions:
Seeing as the version of GeoServer bundled in PAVICS (v2.9) is around 2.5 years old, it would be good to update it to a more recent iteration.
Some of the improvements over the past 2.5 years inclu…
RSD November Sprint.
@jmaassen will you together with @jspaaks fill in the info about this issue?
... use conda package ... not sure about configs.
NCWMS Abomination is throwing this error regularly trying to retrieve files creating noise in the logs.
Would be better if we just check hasNext.
01/04/201800:00:45.000 +1100 | 31 Mar 13:…