The Apache OpenNLP library is a machine learning based toolkit for the processing of natural language text.
It supports the most common NLP tasks, such as tokenization, sentence segmentation, part-…
xuxip updated
7 years ago
is it possible to incorporate pretrained models as part of the feature extraction/model selection process? many tasks in computer vision, nlp, etc. often use pre-trained deep net (eg vgg16) to either …
We need to evaluate which relationship extraction algorithm we want to use.
Preferably it should work with given entities and also generate a rank for the relationship.
Let's start with gatherin…
Henni updated
7 years ago
@chile12 should we move the dmp extension in this repo?
Hi all,
Someone can help me please? I'd like to infer sentence vectors by using fastText. I trained the model and I used the given example in the Github page:
> If you want to compute vector represe…
I am trying to install apache-stanbol 0.12 which contain contenthub
I have used :
1- http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/stanbol/apache-stanbol-0.12.0-source-release.zip
2- https://apache.google…
Consider this scenario:
* I'm working on a document classification task where I want to combine,
say, word-based features with citation-based features.
* I want to apply Euclidean norma…
I witnessed something like this IRL. Wasn't sure until now, but I was studying about this whole night mostly about mongodb and nodejs. Most of it's evidences got destroyed, but there are leftovers of …
Consider this scenario:
* I'm working on a document classification task where I want to combine,
say, word-based features with citation-based features.
* I want to apply Euclidean norma…
Consider the two snippets:
1) Training and test+ saving the model
``` scala