When receiving NTRIP RTCM3 data from an NTRIP caster, the monitor display does not decode the RTCM3 packets as does the windows version.
If I switch to HEX or ASCII, I get data displayed …
Hi !
I tested with a NS-HP, but it doesn't work.
If I change the settings in the conf files, it always wait for ubx data in the status window.
I can send RTCM3 data over TCP-server/client, but not if i use radio-link over serial.
How to solve this?
it didn't word while receiving NovAtel OEM3 data and converting it to RTCM3 data,which I can't resolve converted RTCM3 data by rtknavi.
So far I am using RTKRCV to process my rover's data with respect to a virtual reference station with RTK and this works like a charm. To do so, I set the following parameters on the config file:
thoyo updated
8 years ago
Hi! I am trying to use rtcm and ubx files which I have previously created with rtklib by logging base station and rover input data. Something seems to be wrong with rtcm data reading. Rtknavi reads rt…
rtkconv can't convert RTCM3 Beidou B1 observations to rinex 3.02.
To fix the issue, modify convrnx.c L544.
`const unsigned char codes_rtcm3[7][8]={`
I am trying to send NTRIP RTCM3 to the M8P using strsvr.
I am running the newest binary version from github ver.2.4.3 b13 in wine
When i click start I get the getconfig error.
Anybody has an idea what…
I can not find the right commands at startup from STRSVR for this:
Turn off NMEA child messages
Turn on RXM-RAWX
I am having an Ublox neo M8T
I can manage to do this with u-center bu…
Hi Tomoji
I've managed to load NAV data from combined RINEX 3.02 broadcast ephemerides (using pull request #65). My goal is to package the NAV data into RTCM3 type 1019 and 1020 messages over TCP. I…