I have trained a base transformer model using the sub-word segmentation approach of Sennrich et al. (https://github.com/rsennrich/subword-nmt). This requires me to set the subword_tokenizer in the new…
I am trying to run the demogen example.py in a conda environment, and in either 2.7 or 3.7
get the following error:
File ".../google-research/demogen/data_util.py", line 73, in input_data
### Description
Could t2t work on translating English to Arabic ?
修改 A_b_c 为 ABC
Thank you for the dataset.
I am very novice at NMT, the tensor2tensor's bleu score differs from that obtained by using the 'multi-bleu.perl'. Example t2t-bleu reports: 28.13 (uncase), 27.391 (cased…
I tried creating a salmon index for bos taurus but was not successful. I created the decoy file using:
grep "^>" decoys.txt
sed -i.bak -e 's/>//g' decoys.txt
When i try to index usin…
### Description of feature
Add the HOSTILE tool for host decontamination
I have trained a Transformer model for a speech recognition problem using the librispeech problem as the template. Training data includes librispeech but other datasets as well. The model appears t…
### Background
I saw no speed up after running some experiments passing in the xla_compile flag as True.
Digging deeper, it seems the flag does nothing.
The flag is defined here:
Hello, now I have the result of EVM - gff3 file, I want to update my gff3 file to add UTR information, the following is my command:
singularity exec \
-B $PWD pasapipeline.v2.5.3.simg /usr/loc…