When I add a lfo (in this case the VCV-LFO) to ChordCV Root VCV Rack 2 beta crashes when using the sine function to the root.
Here's the crash report:
Process: Rack [81628]
With Chris / @airwindows at [airwindows](https://www.airwindows.com) I've been working on bringing the entire open source air windows effect collection to VCV rack in a single module. We finall…
Hello, I'd like to submit two plugins.
Both are in the same repository: https://github.com/mgunyho/vcvrack-plugins
Commit hash: https://github.com/mgunyho/vcvrack-plugins/commit/bb28dcc5832202cb…
Like the object says: the trigger out is identical to the clock out when in internal clock mode. The clock out fires a 50% duty cycle square wave based on the BPM and the trigger out should output sho…
wondering what you think about adding a javascript module loader?
modules would be able to be loaded from either a specific defined path, or from a configured path, either absolute or relative.
Hi, looking to add Ahornberg-Microtonal to the PM/PL
Version: 1.0.1
Commit: 65c3ac2
License: CC0
Manifest: https://github.com/Coirt/Ahornberg-Microtonal/blob/master/plugin.json
Coirt updated
1 month ago
I'm behind an http proxy. it is defined in env vars as `http_proxy` and `https_proxy`, but the installer is stuck for quite a while now (looks like no timeout either)
Preparing the installatio…
When compiling rtmidi on my i7 laptop, the build is reporting:
checking for MIDI API... configure: error: Unknown system type for MIDI support!
make[1]: *** [Makefile:145: bin/librtmidi-4.dll] E…
natw updated
3 months ago
I am installing on macOS x64. after installing VCV Rack, the Rack SDK, and Verilator, when I run `make` I get this error message:
c++ -std=c++14 -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++ -I/usr/local/Cell…