Multiple error messages appear (ERROR:portalpy:Not a valid target username)
when publishing items under users:
## log file below:
I'm following the 2014 Q4 Ops Server installation guide. I'm on page 46 (marked as page 45) and trying to verify that the GeoEvent Extension is updating feature services. It is not updating them. The …
GDB here: https://github.com/ArcGIS/defense-and-intel-toolbox/tree/master/emergencymanagement/toolboxes/tooldata/Templates.gdb
gdbs can’t be managed in a Configuration Management systems, but in gene…
Ran the HLZ Suitability tool with services and received errors 999999, 010213, 010325 and 010067. Could be due to the version difference between the template and current software/service build.
Ran the tool and received Errors 999999, 010213, 010325, 010067 and warning error 000950. Could be due to version difference of the tool and current builds/services.
Error 010213: Error in reading gr…
Respond to this post with your github ID and your real world name to help us validate that you have access to Github and know where the ops-server-config is.
**_Admin Not…
With Esri Open Data and Arc Online, a lot of providers will likely use Feature Services. What's the best way to handle them in OGP?
For example:
Add some logic to the build scripts so it can detect and use the version of ArcGIS Runtime that is currently installed (10.1.1, 10.2).
The other repos have a script, versions.xml, that is an example…