There are reports of rstudio no longer working in the workbench.
additional details from dlebauer:
* The original issue, which I can reconfirm after the image is re-built, was that the user is get…
This problem may have been introduced with the upgrade to Rails 4.
* Create a SQL statement for each step in the metadata upload process
* Refer to #125 for steps
* Write statements so that they can be parameterized
Get this running on incoming data for wider team usage.
### Bug Description
Various issues related to parsing and pasting met inputs into multi-site runs
For example, site IDs don't seem to automatically paste in lat/longs
Using sobol method …
I have come across the same problem throughout all the Poplar citations. Many of the yields have been associated to a combination of wrong sites, cultivars, treatments, and species.
@gsrohde @dlebauer
Unfortunately I didn't save an example of the correct behavior on the modex.bnl.gov version of BETY before I updated it to the latest version (4.18) but this was not an issue in…
BETYdb on terraref has a migration 20160629194608_add_additional_constraints.rb that is not checked into the repository because of constraint violations in the database for betydb.org. We should clean…
The inputs table in BETY does not have an `ensemble` column. Instead ensemble information is currently derived from the `name` column. The `name` column is not actually the file name; it is instead …