As we have discussed, there are multiple options for designing the data model hierarchy at the top levels. It would be very helpful if we could determine and agree what the most useful structure will …
## Detailed Description
Over the last few weeks, we've come up with a bunch of ideas for how to simplify nowcasting_dataset.
This issue exists to keep track of all of those "new design" issues and…
release: october 2022
- Infrastructure:
- [x] cpython-3.10.6
- [x] cpython-3.11.0 (10% to 25% speed-up vs 3.10 on interactive Python applications)
- [x] github as a full second…
Currently getting an error when building inference in internal CI system because of nvml.
[ 99%] Linking CUDA device code CMakeFiles/inference_test.dir/cmake_device_link.o
[100%] Linking CXX ex…
Hi, is it possible that here we have a duplicated pip install?
Hi all,
We noticed a small issue where if you have a small docker image like this:
FROM nvcr.io/nvidia/merlin/merlin-pytorch-training:21.09
ENV HOME=/usr/local
Hello everybody! When I run the follow code from [04a-Triton-Inference-with-TF.ipynb](https://github.com/NVIDIA-Merlin/Merlin/blob/main/examples/scaling-criteo/04a-Triton-Inference-with-TF.ipynb)
In current NGC containers some pythons packages are installed with a --user option for the root user.
In managed notebooks, containers are run as in the context of the jupyter user, which means that …
### What happened + What you expected to happen
I've spent some time testing the [AIR examples](https://docs.ray.io/en/master/ray-air/examples/index.html) on Windows. This issue is intended to trac…
Instead of subclassing BaseModel, perhaps YamlModel can work as a mixin? That way you could use it alongside BaseSettings, for example, or other custom class hierarchies. It might already work, but I …