I was considering a way to incorporate the usage of `context.Context` so that if a timeout I set when handling an event is exceeded, I can have finer grain control over canceling requests within a log…
Based on reading discord documentation and researching online, I should be able to use `InteractionResponseEdit` to edit messages that have an ephemeral flag set on them. But it simply returns a 404 e…
I am absolutely done with Pycord and it is time to move on. Memory management and usage have been dreadful, the bot's bootup time is absolutely horrid (UPDATE: this apparently was due to a `chunk_guil…
After successfully sending a ephemeral interaction response, I am unable to delete it.
`s.InteractionResponseDelete(appID, i.Interaction)`
`{"message": "Unknown Webhook", "code": 10015}`
Alright, so, as you may have noticed [there is a draft for a v2 of the bot in the Wavy project](https://github.com/orgs/Wavy-Bot/projects/1). This aims to fix a lot of the current issues the bot curre…
Here's the code to accept invite:
func discordAcceptInvite() (err error) {
token := getToken()
s, err := discordgo.New("Bot " + token))
if err != nil {
I've been trying to edit embeds with the new "api" it doesn't seem to work.
**Describe the bug**
I've setup the bot to connect discord with telegram. When I generate a test message in telegram the bot receives the message and processes it in the debug logs. However, discor…
func RoleEvent(s *discordgo.Session, e *discordgo.GuildRoleCreate) {
I am trying to listen when the new role is created from the discord server app please …
s.Identify.Intents = discordgo.IntentsAll
func invite(s *discordgo.Session, g *discordgo.InviteCreate) {
fmt.Println("invite", g)
I want to know who invite new u…