We should add
"engines": {
"npm": ">=3.0.0"
to all our published deps.
@rishson commented on [Wed Jan 25 2017](https://github.com/dojo/widget-core/issues/283)
Publish a widget to `npm` using the `grunt-dojo2` pipeline.
The enhancement should publish a single widget tha…
Publish a widget to `npm` using the `grunt-dojo2` pipeline.
The enhancement should publish a single widget that has been through the existing `dist` process.
Questions: How will we deal with git tag…
What happened?
All I did was updating the @dojo node_modules to the recent versions but now all my widgets have errors like in the screenshot and the file widget-core/interfaces shows so many errors …
As we have taken a `label` widget direction in `widgets` I believe we should now remove the`FormLabel` mixin before `beta` release to avoid confusion for early adopters.
Currently there's a lack of consistency for the new PR template (and new issue template) across our various packages.
Let's decide what we want from each and update them.
Also there are a few di…
Update the [Publishing a Package on npm](https://github.com/dojo/meta/blob/master/documents/Committer-Workflow.md#publishing-a-package-on-npm) section of the Committer Workflow to reflect the `grunt-d…
When working with Dojo 2 I have found that there are occasions where we do not want to run some css files through our css-module process.
Examples include the `widgets.css` fi…
Core widget functionality should be decoupled from dojo widgets - https://github.com/dojo/widgets repository will be renamed `widget-core` producing a new `@dojo/widget-core` package and a new reposit…