`$exerciseNumber_.$stepNumber.$type.tsx` loader function calls getApps three time
Not many users do this, but some do and I think (untested) if a user with cookies disabled tried to visit an Epic Stack site they would get infinite refreshes. We should handle this case.
I often find myself wishing I had an easy way to open the instructions I'm reading to fix a typo. Especially early on in the workshops, people will also quickly identify typos and things that need imp…
With the latest kcdshop 1.36.0
When calling `SET TO PLAYGROUND` while playground app is running the app starts in a new port each time.
see the following log from my terminal.
playground star…
With the current version of Node.js being v20, I think it would be a good idea to update _package.json_ node engine version.
"engines": {
"node": ">=18"
Running `npm run dev` only starts the server.
I just created a brand new Epic Stack to show someone how it worked. Ran through the setup following the docs and choosing the defaults. Deployed to Fly.io, which worked, and then setup a GitHub repo …
the fix for this issue https://github.com/epicweb-dev/testing-web-apps/issues/3 in here.
this is the fix in `process-manager.server.ts` runAppDev, maybe runAppTests need the same fix but i did not …
Setup a new project today following the readme but as I make changes in the app I'm not getting updates in the browser on localhost.
`💿 File changed: app/routes/users+/$username.tsx
💿 Rebuilding..…
### What version of Remix are you using?
### Are all your remix dependencies & dev-dependencies using the same version?
- [X] Yes
### Steps to Reproduce
Start a remix app with HMR
Create …