Hello everyone, below is my code for fine-tuning XTTS for a new language. It works well in my case with over 100 hours of audio.
Hey guys,
I'm pretty new here just trying to figure all this out.
Finally managed to get my first finetuning running. But I'm kinda confused.
I'm using the thomas - medium model (german) for fine…
**Research question**
Does BERT finetuning increase performance?
Yes, the classifier in BERT will also pull apart the word embeddings belonging to specific locations, making it eas…
I am trying to finetune either the vit_s or vit_b models to my dataset. I have tried training only the dino head, both the dino and ibot heads, and keeping the whole backbone frozen or unfr…
Hi @gabrieltseng, I've read your paper and find it a really interesting work!
Thanks a lot for sharing your code as well!
I'm trying to adapt your downstream task [notebook](https://github.com/na…
When finetuning the model I will have to create a dataset of some episodes.
Do you have any resources on how you recorded/created a RLDS dataset? It seems to be somewhat niche with little documentat…
Can you upload the retrieval fine-tuning model? Thank you!
I have the following error when finetune the DocOwl1.5-Omni. It always raises error when index is 10. Please help!!!
File "/opt/conda/envs/mplug_owl2/lib/python3.10/site-packages/deepspeed/run…
When I finetune the animate-anything, I found that the gradient of unfrozen layer of Unet (eg. conv_in) is None. And I print the requires_grad of conv_in, the result is True. It means that the fine-tu…
Thanks for your impressive work. But the dataset given in the Baidu disk doesn't fit the finetuning process. If I want to reprodce the results in your paper, should I download the official SUN RGB-D d…