Hey guys,
I'm pretty new here just trying to figure all this out.
Finally managed to get my first finetuning running. But I'm kinda confused.
I'm using the thomas - medium model (german) for fine…
Hi @gabrieltseng, I've read your paper and find it a really interesting work!
Thanks a lot for sharing your code as well!
I'm trying to adapt your downstream task [notebook](https://github.com/na…
**Research question**
Does BERT finetuning increase performance?
Yes, the classifier in BERT will also pull apart the word embeddings belonging to specific locations, making it eas…
I am trying to finetune either the vit_s or vit_b models to my dataset. I have tried training only the dino head, both the dino and ibot heads, and keeping the whole backbone frozen or unfr…
When finetuning the model I will have to create a dataset of some episodes.
Do you have any resources on how you recorded/created a RLDS dataset? It seems to be somewhat niche with little documentat…
Can you upload the retrieval fine-tuning model? Thank you!
I have the following error when finetune the DocOwl1.5-Omni. It always raises error when index is 10. Please help!!!
File "/opt/conda/envs/mplug_owl2/lib/python3.10/site-packages/deepspeed/run…
When I finetune the animate-anything, I found that the gradient of unfrozen layer of Unet (eg. conv_in) is None. And I print the requires_grad of conv_in, the result is True. It means that the fine-tu…
Thanks for your impressive work. But the dataset given in the Baidu disk doesn't fit the finetuning process. If I want to reprodce the results in your paper, should I download the official SUN RGB-D d…
lightning-cli getinfo
"id": "035aef5661e1a6e370db60dc0455796800afd5b51fbc12a0a8b34836b15f5d7ef6",
"alias": "TWronald✅",
"color": "15c315",
"num_peers": 9,