### What happened?
After a long break in connexion, lixee attributes are not retrieved anymore even if connexion is restored. The device needs to be repaired to retrieve attributes again.
## 相似之处
1. starting with gathering system requirements
2. laying out a clear plan and identifying major distinguishable components of the syste…
# :link: Daily links :link:
## 2019-12-12
- [Разница между bin, sbin, usr/bin, usr/sbin](https://habr.com/ru/post/143614/)
:gem: **TTY**
## 2019-12-05
🍏 **Detail…
# The quiet, pervasive devaluation of frontend - Josh Collinsworth blog
I keep noticing those of us in the frontend field being treated much the same as nurses, paralegals, and executive assistants. …
It might be useful to have the Weaver check that the interview isn't broken at the end of the generation process. Ideally this would be put into comprehensive test cases that are in the GitHub action …
After following the instructions on README I was able to load the posts but wasn't able to register, got the following error:
`No application encryption key has been specified`
首先我的答案是:[1, NaN, 11],下面来解释一下:
这个函数的疑惑点关键在于 `map` 中的参数,并没有写回调函数,而是简化成一个 `parseInt`,那么究竟是怎么个执行过程呢,先来还原下这个函数:
['1', '2', '3'].map((val, i, arr) => parseInt(val, i));
Week of May 23:
Monday, May 23:
- [x] read about .gitignore
- [x] set up a discord bot (read a lot of the discord.js docs)
- [x] wrote out the flow for connecting the plugin, bot, and server (v…
# Trending repositories for C#
1. [**roflmuffin / CounterStrikeSharp**](https://github.com/roflmuffin/CounterStrikeSharp)
__CounterStrikeSharp allows you to write server plugins i…
I thought of a name but... I _know_ you will have _betterer_ ideas for names than me so please post ideas/suggestions!
We want to have a fairly _broad_ remit (_not "just" tech_) ...
i guess a good sta…