ahrocha / wall-app

Simple wall for study purpose
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Not able to run the project locally #3

Open nossila opened 2 years ago

nossila commented 2 years ago


After following the instructions on README I was able to load the posts but wasn't able to register, got the following error:

No application encryption key has been specified

Which I could resolve with docker exec -ti backend php artisan key:generate so I think it may be missing the set on the REAME file.

After that I couldn't register because of missing SMTP credentials, is that away to bypass SMTP or maybe trick Laravel to instead of sending through an SMTP print the email content to console/stdout/logs? I'm not a Laravel guy but I usually do that on Django projects, while on local dev it prints the email but on production it uses a real SMTP.

Then I tried running tests and got the following error:

➜  wall-app git:(master) docker exec -ti backend php artisan test
PHPUnit 9.5.11 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Test directory "/var/www/backend/./tests/Unit" not found

Not sure what the real issue there, can you help me out?


It runs fine but when I open in the browser I got the error:

EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/app/node_modules/.cache'

It shows and a modal dialog which I can just close and ignore, app runs fine.

Running tests I got 1 passed and 1 failed test with Error: connect ECONNREFUSED Seems like something might be missing for API mocking, or just some environment variable missing for me.

Thats about it :)

I'm sorry for taking a long time to give this feedback here, I have reviewed this last week and gave my thumbs up. You might have scheduled the next interview, or maybe even did it already :P but I thought would be important to give this technical feedback anyway.

Thanks a lot for providing a deployed version for this app, I was able to fully test it there and everything works great. Also the code looks very good :)

ahrocha commented 2 years ago

Hi, Alisson, I'll do again all the instructions using a new environment. The port configuration could be confusing, but I'll check all the to-do list in a new test server. About the interviews, I'm going to talk to David tomorrow (Feb 17th). Wish me luck! Thanks for your comments.