ahrocha / wall-app

Simple wall for study purpose
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Simple wall for study purpose

Backend: PHP Laravel

Frontend: React

To run locally:

You need docker and docker-compose installed, configured and running properly. Docker-compose must be compatible with 'version: "3.8"' of docker-compose.yml file.

The default urls and ports are:

backend: http://localhost:80/

frontend: http://localhost:3000/

mariadb: 3306

If you want to change the application ports, edit the 3 .env files, at root project directory and also backend and frontend directories:

If you're going to publish, change the database password at .env

1) Download code from github:

git clone https://github.com/ahrocha/wall-app

2) Create .env files (there's sample files)

Go to project directory (probably ):

cd wall-app

And copy the files

cp .env.example .env

cp backend/.env.example backend/.env

cp frontend/.env.example frontend/.env

3) Run docker commands:

docker-compose up -d --build

docker exec -ti backend php artisan migrate

docker exec -ti backend php artisan seed

docker exec -ti backend php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

4) Running backend tests

docker exec -ti backend php artisan test

5) Running frontend tests

docker exec -ti frontend npm test