I'm having issues compiling `erlkaf` on a macOS Ventura 13.6.1:
$ mix deps.compile erlkaf
=ERROR REPORT==== 28-Feb-2024::17:31:13.767352 ===
beam/beam_load.c(190): Error loading module rebar…
We've been trying to get version 0.08 Kafka::Librd to work through Alien-Librdkafka-v0.9.5 to a 6-node Kafka cluster. An apparent race condition in the librdkafka library emerges with broker …
I'm not able to run `go test ./...` on `ubuntu` (`GitHub Actions`).
**Error msg:**
cannot find module for path github.com/confluentinc/confluent-kafka-go/kafka/li…
I have a pytest suite that will:
1. Create a kafka testcontainer as a module fixture
2. Create a bunch of topics as a module fixture using the admin client
3. For each t…
Marshaling of string values into librdkafka (for topic names and config) is currently achieved by decorating method arguments with `[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]`. It would be better to do this usi…
I created a test AWS lambda function using C# and added the reference Confluent.Kafka. It can be run in the local unit test method. However, it got the error when running in …
Hey, I don't fully know if this is correct here or if it should be in the librdkafka.
We wand to connect to a Kafka that is protected by https://github.com/strimzi/strimzi-kafka-oauth
This is t…
In case an error happened on Kerberos request authentification `librdkafka` will provide some logs which also are not returned into python space and for just `None` returned …
The [kafka source](https://vector.dev/docs/reference/configuration/sources/kafka/) documentation doesn't say how (or if) the `client.id` is assigned.
Through checking the [source](https://github.co…
I'm trying to compile `librdkafka` for Android.
The pthreads library is built into Android's libc (bionic). Hence, when you specify `-lpthread` to the linker, it fails.
I need to know whether a me…