Assume I define a few parsers within a module and export the parsing functions, similar like the following:
``` rust
pub use self::parser::empty as empty;
peg! parser(r#"
empty -> ()
= ""…
Hi, the authors of Pointcept,
Recently, I try to understand the whole project of the Pointcept.
When I read the code about the Point Transformer V3, you have adopt the conditional position encod…
### Comment
[Fiat-to-fiat currency exchange on licensed virtual asset trading platforms](https://github.com/MinistryFinancialServices/Virtual-Asset-Amendment-Consultation/blob/b86f85170e238e92fb69a76…
GYD we need to build how a stable peg can be derived from multiple baskets of stable currencys.
Solution needs to be build.
But the primary conversation was around weighted distribution to pegs. …
What are the author's thoughts on introducing a pattern syntax such as `tidal.pegjs`? https://github.com/gibber-cc/tidal.pegjs
Would this require porting the above to Pest.rs?
Version 89.0.4389.90 (Official Build) (64-bit), Windows 10
I was hopeful for new version as yesterday (Sunday) after I updated, it quickly ran through at the 45? days doing a sync and completed. Bu…
A pegged order is a specific type of order that have, on one side, dedicated fields that the regular order doesn't have (offset, pegged reference, and so on), and, on the other side, some of the share…
hanoi4 :: Integer -> Peg -> Peg -> Peg -> Peg -> [Move]
hanoi4 n src goal tmp1 tmp2
| n
I am trying to read out the force (Fx, Fy) and the torque (Mx, My) when inserting a square peg into a hole. The idea is to insert the peg into the hole using the force and torque feedback. The…
I want to feature gate some rules in grammar, so tried to place `#[cfg(feature = "...")]` on it, but `grammar!` does not accept that. It would be nice if I could do that:
peg::parser! {