## TODO:
- [x] make test phenotypes with each of [`MAF`, `AF`, `AC` , none].
for f in ~/PROJECTS/pheweb/test/input_files/assoc-files/*;do echo "=> $f"; zcat "$f"|head -2|ptrcolumn;e…
Performing some phewas for different phenotypes and would like to overlay some manhattan plots for the different phenotypes- is this possible with the current implementation in R?
(how did I lose them?)
At , labels are configured in `layout.panels[0].data_layers[1].label.filters` is `[{"field":"pval|neglog10","operator":">=","value":5}]`.
On , `window.debug.phewas_panel.d…
### different sets of attributes for each phenotype
LocusZoom requires me to specify which attributes will exist (`layout.panels[#id=association].data_layers[#id=associationpvalues].fields`). But …
Option 1: In `ggplot2`, [`ggrepel`](http://www.r-bloggers.com/avoid-overlapping-labels-in-ggplot2-charts/) fixes this. I'll search for something similar for d3, or else try to copy their algorithm.
I tried installing the PheWAS package and encountered the installation error below (on a Mac running OS X 10.10.5 and R version 3.3.0).
> install_github("PheWAS/PheWAS")
Downloading GitHub repo …
Use a `` to solve this.
### Data to import
`/net/dumbo/home/larsf/PheWAS/PheWAS_code_translation_v1_2.txt` (15k lines):
"icd9" "icd9_string" "phewas_code" "phewas_string" "exclu…
SELECT (pheweb.categories.name, pheweb.phenos.num_cases, pheweb.phenos.num_controls, pheweb.phenos.phewas_code, pheweb.phenos.phewas_string, pheweb.associations.pval)
FROM pheweb…