using DynamicalSystemsBase, StochasticDiffEq, DiffEqNoiseProcess
using CairoMakie
ρ = 0.3
Σ = [1 ρ; ρ 1]
t0 = 0.0; W0 = zeros(2); Z0 = zeros(2);
W = CorrelatedWienerProcess(Σ, t0, W0,…
https://github.com/SciML/OrdinaryDiffEq.jl/pull/1473 highlights this well. Revise is required to fix it?
In https://github.com/SciML/NeuralOperators.jl/blob/master/src/DeepONet.jl#L122-L124, multi-dimensional input grid is handled using an Argument error. Is there a reason this was done this way?
For the `ODESystem` the generated file does not hold:
- [ ] `connecti…
https://github.com/SciML/ModelingToolkit.jl/pull/466 ignores doing JumpProblem since that might interfere with some of @isaacsas changes, so we can add it afterwards.
Looks like the LotkaVolterra example folder has an outdated and invalid Manifest file with an old reference to a master of DataDrivenDiffEq
[2445eb08] DataDrivenDiffEq v0.5.5 `https://github.…
Indexing an `AbstractTimeseriesSolution` with `Int`s or `Num`s results in different shapes. In the case of `Num` indexing, due to the `map`
@AlCap23 this would be a good library to enable doctests for. See https://github.com/SciML/ModelingToolkit.jl/pull/1572
Cool project! I think it would be cool if simulation-based methods could be supported here by hooking into DifferentialEquations.jl and its DiffEqFlux fast adjoint schemes (https://diffeqflux.sciml.ai…
This summer I am working on implementing spatial SSAs. There are currently two issues open about it: https://github.com/SciML/DiffEqJump.jl/issues/107 and https://github.com/SciML/DiffEqJump.jl/issues…