### Please provide a brief summary of the bug
Please can someone take a look and suggest. what can be done to fix this ?
## Description
During the work on https://github.com/camunda/camunda/issues/21425 it was discovered that Zeebe already uses Maven 3.9.x while other components in the monorepo still use older versio…
cmur2 updated
1 month ago
- *Jib version:* `3.2.1`
- *Build tool:* Gradle
- *OS:* Mac OS Monterey 12.4, M1
**Description of the issue**:
The property reference `jib.container.appRoot` returns r…
### Environment
0.49.20 and current nightlies (As 0f 7/12/2024)
JDK 11, 17, and 21
Bundle MML from MekHQ in Fedora Linux 40
### Description
### Expected behavior
JMeter preserves window size no matter the maximized/window mode cycle.
### Actual behavior
After step 3 listed in how to reproduce JMeter loses the right side limit and all s…
Thank you for reporting a broken build! Please fill in the following details:
- **Jenkins link to the failing log:** https://ci.adoptium.net/job/build-scripts/job/jobs/job/release/job/jobs/job/jdk11u…
run the command `sudo ./ldid -M -Shypervisor.entitlements "$JAVA_HOME"/bin/java`
return the error
`ldid.cpp(3332): _assert(): errno=2`
jdk version: temurin-21.jdk
CPU: M3 pro
**What are you trying to do?**
Using JavaFX 17's swing integration, which is using the _jdk.unsupported.desktop_ in conjunction with OpenJDK17U-jre_x64_windows_hotspot_17.0.2_8
**Expected behaviou…
Hi, the Salesforce Package.xml Generator is stuck in the "Processing Metadata : CustomField". I'm currently unable to select any Custom Field from any Object because the list of fields are not loading…
### Is there an existing issue for this?
- [X] I have searched the existing issues
### Package ecosystem
### Package manager version
_No response_
### Language version
_No response_