Ked "si vyklikavam navod", tak niektore kroky (napr. podania) spustia nejaku lehotu, dokedy musi urad odpovedat. Tu by sme mohli posielat pouzivatelovi notifikaciu, ked ta lehota vyprsi, aby vedel, ze…
I would like to be able to modify the tab page collection at runtime.
Alguns requerimentos para vagas conhecidas
We have an installation of Joomla-3.10.12 with J2store-3.3.20 Core. On that installation EU VAT check plugin/app operated as expected, we receive real time VIES validation. But once we u…
- /vie alors que je n'ai pas d'island => internal error
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.island.Island.getUniqueId()" because the ret…
# A importância de dar e receber Feedbacks
## Introdução:
A cultura do feedback é algo importante tanto para nossa vida profissional como pessoal, devemos cultiva-la rotineiramente e tornar o feedbac…
As a system user (of Reference Implementation or actual business system)
I wish to have VAT rates for each product or service on a transaction document and the associated database entry calculated au…