Please consider updating existing colorscheme / adding new ones.
Most of the colorschemes bundled with vim are gvim only or look bad in terminal.
Better colorschemes are a must.
### Problem description
When I try to make a commit with 'cc' key in vim fugitive I always get an error:
"Cannot make changes, 'modifable' is off"
![Screenshot from 2022-01-28 23-17-46](https:/…
### Problem description
Most of the time i use Intelleji. When I go use lvim I get " ____.java is a non-project file, only syntax errors are reported."
my usual project folders goes like this: …
### Operating system/version
macOS Big Sur 11.6
### Terminal emulator/version
Kitty 0.24.3
### $TERM environment variable
### Tmux version
tmux 3.2a
### Feature matrix
### Operating system/version
### Terminal emulator/version
### $TERM environment variable
### Tmux version
_No response_
### Feature matrix
nvim: health…
It would be nice to have a dark theme like the tokyonight or dracula
### Describe the bug
HTML tags are not highlighted correctly. Each html tag has a di…
The following errors were reported by 5.1.0-dev.20230305
[Pipeline that generated this bug](https://typescript.visualstudio.com/TypeScript/_build?definitionId=48)
[Logs for the pipeline run](https://t…
### Windows Terminal version (or Windows build number)
WindowsTerminal: 1.8.1092.0
### Other Software
_No response_
### Steps to reproduce
SettingsUI ... Add new ... uncheck "Use parent process d…
### Problem description
I have the following setup on my config:
local graphql_lsp_opts = {
filetypes = { "graphql", "typescriptreact", "javascriptreact", "typescript" },