## Avoid duplicates
* [x] Bug is not mentioned in the [FAQ](https://www.coronawarn.app/en/faq/)
* [x] Bug is not already reported in another issue
But could be a duplicate of or in relation to …
**URL**: https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/a6d20c1544f34d33b60026f45b786230
**Browser / Version**: Firefox 81.0
**Operating System**: Windows 10
**Tested Another Browser**: Yes Chrome
As I'm porting my app to TDLib 1.7, I'm using the new function `getChatPinnedMessage` to get the latest pinned message for a given chat. The function itself is absolutely reliable, but it seems that t…
Hi @edomt ,
I have noticed that the data stopped being updated after Feb 14th for Serbia.
In order to help resolve the issue I have collected the list of data sources for pull requests that con…
**State or US**: Wyoming
**Describe the problem**
CTP Positive Cases (PCR) goes back until 4/29. There's also a gap for Positive and Negative Tests (PCR) from 5/5 - 5/14. WY provides hover-over gr…
Hallo, seit heute habe ich plötzlich folgende Fehler im Log. Scheinen ja alles Berliner Bezirke zu sein, ich nutze aber Berlin nicht. Muss ich mir Gedanken machen ?
coronavirus-statistics.0 | 20…
As soon as I enable the check box "wieder gesund" for country Netherlands the whole widget gets invisible. Both the edit view and the normal view don't show data.
Inspector in Firefox shows
OLFDB updated
4 years ago
Having done many benchmarks on Windows, finally realized that the most thought-provoking benchmark worth having is the one profiled with 'perf', so I transitioned to Fedora 33 and started using the la…
I suggest you to implement the feature regarding the number of **tests processed per day** as well as number of tested people _per capita_ to your website called [Date La Zi](https://datelazi.ro/).
The County UK does not display in the coronavirus-statistics widget,
For all other countries does it works fine, but not for county UK.
The data for the UK are available in the Iobroker