Hello. I'm currently developing some projects and I'm using bundleo of jQuery + Semantic-UI. With Semantic-UI I'm using **Accordion** module and when I go deep into the docs, I mentioned that there's …
I'm having an issue in my testing environment. I include `svg.js` which early on does a test for whether svg's are supported in the current environment and exits out if they are not.
Looking into a prototype for general animation (as noted by https://github.com/phetsims/joist/issues/404).
I've checked in some code that is not refined or final by any means.
Some thoughts/opin…
Add a bouncing animation when the help banners change their text.
I can use http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/ for a bouncing easing function.
# Easing and streamlining named object sharing between packaged and Win32
This is a proposal for a flat C API that takes a list of Package Family Names (PFNs) and an access mask, and returns a secu…
Hi all!
This is a reasonably complex proposal so I will break this down into three areas:
1. I'll give context about what I'm trying to achieve so if I have missed some other way to tackle this is…
As the title says there is flickering happening when opening popup with animation on Android, specifically Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra in my case.
Using ```MopupService.Instance.PushAsync(popup, animate…
Hello! Would really appreciate help with a hopefully simple question. :)
Trying to pack carousel items together without space between so that multiple of them show at the same time. Here's my code:…
> The serialization of `linear()` includes input values for each point, and input values are never less than the input of…
17:19 < humph> element.rotate({angle: that.angle, animateTo: that.angle + (360
- (that.angle % 360)), easing: $.easing.swing, callback:
function() {
17:19 < humph> …