༒ - wild walker
† - for a sword
⚚ - staff of hermes
⛏ - pick axe
❡ - curved axe
⟅⟆ - bag?
༆ - staff of wind; torch
༏, ༐, ༑ - staffs
࿄ - bell
༽ - bow
܀ - simple shield
༓ - better shield
- http://www.typewolf.com/open-source-web-fonts
### When you open an issue for a change/improvement/feature request:
- [x] A description of the problem you're trying to solve, including _why_ you think this is a problem
- [x] If the feature chang…
To avoid this mess: https://twitter.com/NireBryce/status/1489099092575858707
See also https://github.com/Nheko-Reborn/nheko/issues/919
I need help with an optionality of either Inkscape or standard SVG=>HTML
#### Summary
IANAL, I think that the system Emoji images are generated from Apple Color Emoji font.
But the images from that font may "All rights reserved" and distribution is violation of copyright…
Is it possible to change the converted images back to unicode or shortName. I am directly converting the text in an editable div to submit to a database. The problem is I would prefer to store the sm…
This is place holder to track all the 2015 spec related updates. Specific detailed discussions about individual items, please fie additional issues and put a URL back here.
New tables that need check…
Use same Emoji set like Android Client.
The most features are available in Android Client should be available in Desktop Client I think.
Enough said.