In path_data.cc (line 191 to 196), the "s" grows along the trajectory(i.e discretized_path) which means "path_s + adc_s" should be a point at the discretized_path. However, the PerceptionSLB…
The class name "quinic_polynomial" means "quintic_polynomial"? And, why use the **quintic polynomial** in lateral motion planning and **quartic polynomial** in longitudinal motion planning? Thank you!
Este código esta funcionando em PHP 5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1 ou até mesmo em 7.2 ?
São muitas dúvidas e nada pessoal... (Já deixo claro)
Este código esta nas normativas novas dos correios (2017) e que pelo …
I trying to setup Apollo in my local machine.
I have installed nvidia driver and cuda on my machine (using TITAN Xp, Ubuntu 16)
while running
`bash apollo.sh release`
I getting followin…
Disallow unit frenet frame computations (uTangent, uNormal, uBinormal) when not a unit speed curve. Implement general formulas for these calculations
**Describe the bug**
The function **read_children** in the class **WC_Product_Variable_Data_Store_CPT** (file class-wc-product-variable-data-store-cpt.php) check the option **woocommerce_hide_out_of_…
I found the path_s is the accumulated distance of discretized_path and frenet_point_s i…
(Apollo 2.0)
The boundary constraints implemented in `QpSplinePathGenerator::AddConstraint` seem inconsistent with constraints demanded by the QP path optimization problem using splines, as stated i…
> // try to connect the current point with the …