possible changes:
- move the SNP comparison table so it doesn't block plot
- stop the cdf line going to zero at the limits (implies a breakpoint which isn't there)
- separate upstream/downstream pl…
I would suggest you to take a look at `nilearn.potting` options to visualize fMRI data ([https://nilearn.github.io/plotting/index.html#interactive-plots](https://nilearn.github.io/plotting/index.html#…
Overall, the R plots look good, and your description of the app in the README file is clear. I'm not sure what the purpose is of having the user choose between bar and line plots if they will both be …
I'm trying to create interactive plots. My JupyterLab server is running in the cloud, in a Google Compute Engine Instance.
When I try to plot some data, i got this:
In this assignment each group will explore a dataviz tool (download, install, try out, and use it to create something), and present a brief demonstration/overview of the tool to the rest of the class …
Would it be possible to add an additional setting which would return an array of x and y coordinates for the bar chart as well as the PNG data? This way it would be easily used with a library such as …
I found that using Bokeh via hvplot with embedding data into the notebook (`dynamic=False` option) is a good way to share interactive plots with people. However the files quickly get very large, espec…
Hi @bryevdv and @pavithraes I performed exploratory data analysis on a subset of the [yellow taxi trip record October](https://d37ci6vzurychx.cloudfront.net/trip-data/yellow_tripdata_2022-10.parquet)…
JIRA Issue: [KIEKER-988] The root node in dot graphs should have a unique and searchable name
Original Reporter: Christian Wulf
In Java, $ is used for naming inner classes. To find the root node…