We want to add JPMS module descriptors to the core ImgLib2 artefacts. This issue tracks overall progress on this.
## Which repos should be included in this effort?
Which repos should become imgl…
Using current Maven 3.6.1 / Openjdk 11.0.3 / Ubuntu 18.04 results in:
>cd devday-service
>mvn javadoc:javadoc
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:3.1.0…
Introduce Automatic Module Names for all hammock modules.
Are you guys planning on supporting the Java Platform Module System?
At the moment I get various errors when I attempted to add toothpick to my module-info.java file.
If I add,
requires tooth…
### Expected Behavior
When getting a list of compiler arguments with `CompileOptions.getCompilerArgs()` or `StandardJavadocDocletOptions`, we can add, remove or edit the arguments to be given to `jav…
I am currently implementing an `IXMLExtension` to enhance the editing of Liquibase XML files.
I am using JPMS on my artifact with the following `module-info.java`
import org.eclipse.lsp4xml…
Hey Team,
I am facing a problem accessing a records object with jsonpath. And I can see some error is happening with Jsonparser beneth.
Please find stacktrace for more info and help me with it.
Is there an example project with configuration for Java 11+?
Currently I get the error `Couldn't find Ant-JavaFX-library, please make sure you've installed some JDK which includes JavaFX (e.g. Orac…
Crashes before the mod loading screen opens.
Log: https://mclo.gs/tEOh3tR
**Jetty version(s)**
**Enhancement Description**
Having a single jar web server is a convenience that many users desire. See #1905, #4562 and #4563
We should either provide a simple one fo…