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/네비게이션 추가 [목적지명] 라는 메시지만 뜹니다.
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ui 팝업이 안됩니다.
we put this plugin every server or on proxy server ?
Recently it was discovered that system time changes during `SleeperHandler->sleepUntil()` will cause the sleeper to break. Changing the time forward causes the sleeper not to sleep at all for that cal…
Bonjour j'ai un problème avec le plugin, quand je met cette config et que je mine un mienrai en jeu je n'obtiens pas le loot que j'ai mis dans la config
PocketMine-MP Crash Dump Thu Nov 7 20:50:40 GMT 2019
Error: Class 'pocketmine\scheduler\PluginTask' not found
File: plugins/HideAndSeek-master/src/Ad5001/HideAndSeek/Game
Line: 28
Because it is faster: single query.
We are looking for developers who are willing to work with us to revive this great plugin.
Here is what we are looking for
Someone who has a positive attitude towards the development of this plu…
Please fix this plugin for newest Api.
This plugin is very importent for everyone!
Thank you!
[13:40:14] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: pocketmine\utils\AssumptionFailedError: "Position world is null" (EXC…
Just curious to know if its supported so when only a staff member joins itll say it (Mod, Admin and Owner) but no Guest