Create a function that animates a time lapse of satellite imagery over a 3d elevation model...
use `elevatr` to download a dem
use `getSpatialData` to download imagery
use `rayshader` to plot in…
It's an interesting package. But an error is always reported when running the sample “3D plotting with rayshader and ggplot2” as follow:
Error in plot_gg(ggdiamonds, width = 5, height = 5, …
Error in render_highquality(lightdirection = 0, lightaltitude = 30, clamp_value = 10, :
could not find function "render_highquality"
I've tried installing rayshader on both windows and linux without success:
On Linux I get:
ERROR: configuration failed for package ‘av’
* removing ‘/net/home/h05/hadnk/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-lib…
Hi, as far as I can tell there is no need for Cairo as a import dependency (I've removed it on my local fork). The reason this was an issue for us is some super-computer systems (Cray for sure) have n…
I uploaded the latest version of `rayshader` this morning, and was soon blessed by the following email from Brian D Ripley:
You have added the strict requirement of 'av', a package which is no…
错误: package or namespace load failed for ‘rayshader’ in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...):
I try to print out the 3D ggplot . I have saved it into stl file.
But is there any way to display the y axis, x axis and title ?
I think y axis; x axis and title in ggplot are not in 3D ?
I'm getting segfault when trying to plot 3D map on macOS:
> library(rayshader)
> volcano %>% sphere_shade() %>% plot_3d(volcano)
hi there
i imagine this is not related directly to rayshader but I can't find a better place to ask: my maps come out at a significantly lower resolution than the ones I can see on your website and…