Description of Feature Required:
1. Log CardID in Console ( when debugMode = true; )
2. Display CardID on RFID Reader's Display
1. Check CardID is Displayed on the console when debugM…
How do you read card data? or is this not developed yet :-/
Description of Feature Required:
1. Implement a File Searching Algorithm to search usersdb.txt
2. Implement a function displayUser(cardID) to display user on RFID LCD Screen
3. If debugMode = true…
This site could be made responsive enough to be used on mobile. I'm only really interested in this if a card-swipe plugin for android/iphone will work with the mobile site, that will have to be tested…
There has possibly been a change to the RFID number read by our RFID-readers. Need to check the length of these new numbers and adjust the app accordingly.
myth updated
10 years ago
when trying to use barcode scanner thing in update compartments
Does atom shell currently support the ability to use browser plugins such as Flash? If not, are there any plans in the future to support browser plugins?
Gets into an infinite loop of "connecting to RFID reader" or whatever the message is.
This makes the vending machine essentially useless.
I would like to be able to scan member cards at the POS screen and automatically assign them to a ticket during a sale. Effectively having to save the time going to Select Customer screen.
My idea on …