### Current behavior
"Scaffold example specs" loaded into the `cypress/e2e/2-advanced-examples` directory by the Cypress E2E onboarding process fail linting using the [recommended configuration](ht…
### 📜 Description
Hey team, I was performing another regular Backstage versions:bump task using the CLI and noticed a conflicting lint configuration.
The CLI version with the issue is `^0.28.2` - …
# Problem
When using a [`Scaffold`](https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/material/Scaffold-class.html) widget, any parent [`DefaultTextStyle`](https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/widgets/DefaultTextStyle-cl…
Is it possible to have the bottom sheet that's part of CupertinoBottomSheetScaffold without the scaffold wrapper? just a regular bottom sheet with the regular sheet behavior?
### LiquidBounce Branch
### Describe your feature request.
When this feature is on, scaffold will alternate between different block stacks following the selected StackPriority option,…
SPCC16C4.18c taf6 SAGA complex/transcription factor TFIID complex histone H4-like subunit Taf6
SPAC15A10.02 taf12 SAGA complex/transcription factor TFIID complex subunit A Taf12
From slack. @Tehsurfer
> Jesse Khorasanee
1. Scaffolds are contained in the Derivatives folder of BIDS structured datsets
2. Tom's Blackfynn scraper is let known of the files through manife…
I have a ton of animations in the `scaffold` widget of the `InnerDrawer`.
Most of them play only on `buidl()` and moving the drawer constantly calls rebuild on the `scaffold` widget.
This causes a v…
Add following dot files
- .gitignore
- .nodemonignore
- add nodemon in your -g
Beyond removing active scaffold from the menu bar, I think once we are getting pretty close to being done, it would be prudent to remove active scaffold and the methods / controllers / etc from the pr…