Hi! I'm using your Trakt.php file and I have to thank you because I thought I wouldn't be able to upgrade my website again with Trakt's API V2. However, I still have difficulties with the methods you …
First, thank you for the Docker image!
Second, when i try to transfer my watch-list from IMDB to Trakt, the tool can't parse the movies from IMDB.
Is your code transferring also watch-lists…
_Keep in mind:_ Country information is gathered from trakt.tv. So if trakt is not aware of the country, SeriesGuide can't be either.
### trakt v2 (current, v21+)
With **trakt v2** country support is …
Is anyone having issues syncing between Trakt / Plex? It was working up until a few days ago, now it's not scrobbling at all and when I use Kitana to check if the plugin is running, it says "sync succ…
as raised in this [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/duckietv/comments/4o1xfo/feature_request_all_shows_calendar/) post:
> There's a very handy default calendar option on trakt that you can use to see…
I'm using this actual environment:
- 2x RPI2 with LibreElec and Kodi 17.0-Beta6-Git:654f1b) with Trakt 3.1.8
- 1x AppleTV 4 with Infuse 5.0.2 with connection to Trakt
For Kodi, I'm using a local …
I've tried to make heads or tails of this one but I could not. The importing task is doing something strange.
### Show's plays
- On Trakt I have plays of S01 & S02 and the first two episodes of…
the programm doesn't throw an error or anything, but it unfortunately only produces and completely empty .csv file
Here's my terminal:
npx trakt-to-letterboxd -u username pamerlaedschn -…
e.g. the two-parter Seinfeld story The Raincoats appears as two separate episodes on Trakt (https://trakt.tv/shows/seinfeld/seasons/5/episodes/20 and https://trakt.tv/shows/seinfeld/seasons/5/episodes…
In a typical use of [Trakt](https://github.com/ecranceMERCE/trakt), the user can relatively easily declare "partial isomorphisms" for goal transfers, such as that `nat` to `Z` for all `x >= 0`. This a…