I'm wondering why almond 0.6.0 uses ammonite-spark 0.5.0 and not 0.6.0. Is it because ammonite-spark 0.6+ is not compiled anymore for Scala 2.11 ?
Anyway, I've built a custom version of almond to u…
There were changes the to package that the Main class lives in (`ammonite.Main().run()`) and the latest version simply don't work.
$ ammonite:run
[info] Updating {file:/Users/gorzell/dev/git/ke…
import $ivy.`dev.zio::zio:1.0.5`
import zio._
val program = for {
_ /tmp/ammonite-2.13/amm && chmod +x /tmp/ammonite-2.13/amm) && /tmp/ammonite-2.13/amm script.sc
# exp…
~/workspace/scala/accord/ [master] sbt update
[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/hary/.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/hary/workspace/scala/accord/project
## steps
Clone: https://github.com/shivanithorat/ammonite-simple
run this: `sbt run`
## problem
@ prompt of ammonite appears, but does not allow to enter any input
ctrl-c is unable to termi…
**Type of issue**: bug report
After I ran `mill __.compile` under the project, I encountered error
Exception in thread "MillServerActionRunner" java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
When I create script for ammonite 2.11 that has one or two @ then it is not imported properly. For example:
import coursier.MavenRepository
interp.repositories() ++= Seq(
Installing almond using`SCALA_VERSION=2.12.8 ALMOND_VERSION=0.9.1` throws exception when starting Jupythers Scala kernel
ERROR ScalaKernel$ Caught exception while initializing interpreter, e…
It failed for me on java version 11, and for someone else on version 13. After switching to version 8 it resolved the issue.
Error in output
scala.reflect.internal.MissingRequirementError: ob…
I installed Almond on Windows 10 according to the current installation instructions. Upon launching a kernel in Jupyter Lab I get the following error:
Compiling (synthetic)/ammonite/predef/int…