currently source is broken; reached out today
We have validation error in validating dataset for Population distribution:
Conformance class: INSPIRE GML application schemas, General requirments
Schema validation, validate XML document…
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It would be nice if the dateparser would support Dates based on the french Revolutionary Calender and Dates written in Roman numbers.
Dear team, Thanks in advance!
web validator - production
I see the following error multiple times in the logfiles before I even get to see the report, progress is extremely slow.
Saya telah melakukan beberapa jenis kandungan web yang saya rasa menarik, dengan menggunakan logo kerajaan Malaysia.
### **Kandungan Web**
Antara kandungan web tersebut ialah:
_Peta Endemik_
Tracking updates of developers.facebook.com
Partition III, Section 1.7.4 requires correct CIL instruction sequences include a limit on the height the stack may reach during execution of that sequence.
Relatedly, Section 1.7.5 requires that the…
No unknown production region specific emission factor for Great Britain, this leads to higher than representative carbon emissions for GB. The default is 700 assuming 100% fossil fuels.