I just cloned the project and tried to compile it using ESP IDF 4.3.6.
All is well,but grblHAL_AP can't be found,I don't know what I did wrong.
This is my_machine.h.
Thanks for your help!
I run this a command with` subplot -B+ap `and I got this warning:
gmt subplot begin 2x2 $REGION -Fs20c -Bxaf -Byaf+ap -Srl -Scb -A1+gwhite+jTR -M0.05c/0.75c
subplot [WARNING]: Modifier +a det…
### Describe the bug
You can dupe atleast MS Grot MRs with the LDF AP-5 drone from Western Sahara and/or Aegis
### How to reproduce
Get an AP-5 drone from the arsenal
Assemble it on the grou…
### The problem
Logger: homeassistant.components.sensor.recorder
Quelle: components/sensor/recorder.py:317
Integration: Sensor ([Dokumentation](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/sensor), […
### User Story
As a AP app owner
I want to get access to the Control Panel API
So that I can make use of endpoints that list information about my app owners
### Value / Purpose
See parent feature r…
### Description
Moving a token during an active combat encounter consumes an AP for every increment of an actor's allowable speed.
### Function
- Fay has ground speed 5
- When under combat movem…
Hello: I notice that the reuslt from running `apk([1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1],…
Hi, when I select more than 3 5ghz ap, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
## Bug report
Copter 4.5.6
CubeOrange; CubeOrangePlus
If I leave my vehicle turned on for a long time, I inevitably encounter this prearm error:
AP: PreArm: Internal errors 0x1000 1:469 iom…