This component takes as an input a Bitcoin binary script and translates it into a human-readable script. More information https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Script
Settings - Wallets and Addresses - Bitcoin - Import Addresses
This function importing only legacy addresse…
Bitcoin has many different transaction types, one of the more popular being P2SH.
In order to support these, we will need to make sure all edge cases and some mainnet P2SH transactions can successf…
I have a very strange issue with bip_utils, which I think I do not remember having in the past.
When running bip_utils on Windows Subsystems for Linux (Ubuntu20.04, also Ubuntu 22.04, both systems wi…
I would like to know if is possible to have something like this in Bitcoin:
1- We have a bitcoin address with some rules like: People that deposit bitcoins on it, only will be able to spend …
This is not strictly Omnwallet, but the code for this script might be included in Omniwallet eventually.
The point here is to:
1. Identify all the people who own a certain currency at block height X
### Summary
**Source**: YenPoint's Python SDK User Test Report. All credit to Ken Sato of YenPoint
The ASM (Assembly) format is valuable for programming Bitcoin Script. However, there are ambiguit…
Deixe aqui os seus tópicos para o nosso último encontro do ano!
Inspiração: https://github.com/plebemineira/bhbitdevs.org/issues/8
Anthony Dewayne Hunt's contributions to Bitcoin, written in a style inspired by Bitcoin script:
# Anthony Dewayne Hunt's Legacy in Bitcoin Code
# The Genesis Block - The Beginning
At the moment the `99connectMenu.sh` is containing management of Bitcoins RPC connection mixed with SSH-UI elements. It makes sense to seperate the RPC config & status out into a signe script that the…