Hi. Great repo! I see that you use tfenv here:
I suggest you to switch to tenv: https://g…
Cfr. https://github.com/driesvints/dotfiles/blob/master/install.sh#L13
Hi there,
First thanks for that great repo which was a nice introduction to nix to me.
I'm trying to add taps to my setup.
I read #66, and I already did as stated as a solution:
# Broadly, adding official support for `brew bundle`
So glad I found this, handles quite a bit of what I've done with shell scripting. Apologies on the long post, I figured it would be easier to outl…
Hi there !
I love the tool and use it as a setup as code for my macs.
I would like to know if there is any possibility to delete missing brew items from the mac if there are not in the Brewfile a…
Please consider adding the precompiled binaries to homebrew. Would make my team's bootstrap process (a Brewfile) a lot easier than piping a curl request to bash
`hasen$ brew bundle`
`==> Tapping homebrew/bundle`
`Cloning into '/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-bundle'...`
`remote: Enumerating objects: 92, done.`
`remote: Counting objects:…
I noticed a change in my Brewfile:
``` diff
-mas "macOS High Sierra", id: Install
+mas "Install macOS High Sierra", id: 0
Does it mean the update has been downloaded / installed?
@lfilho I am getting back to trying out your fork of [skwp/dotfiles](https://github.com/skwp/dotfiles) via my own fork of your work. I am looking at it more critically and that has generated some que…