Should use relPos instead of pos. Carl suggested to try this:
local currentDir = camer:getDirection()
local difference = ton code sin/cose de tantot, mais avec relX et relY!
In the official demo, when I use back camer, I see the image orizzontally mirrored so scan do not works,
Could you add an option to mirror it?
- OpenCV => :4.1.2
- Operating System / Platform => ubuntu20
##### Detailed description
when I use cv2.solvePnPRansac ,coment out function get_optical_rel_point,get different R result##### Step…
camer_point_sub = nodh.subscribe("/iiwa/camera1/line_coordinate", 2, &iiwa::update_desired_point, this);
Dear kirllin,
i dont know where is the "/iiwa/camera1/line_coordinate" from?
I entered t…
Hello.I have problem with 90 degrees of Screen rotation. When I use 'setRequestedOrientation', the camer view is stop.
Using network debug , the following message appeared : [SurfaceTexture-1-17555-5…
i want to develop an application to give more priority usb camer when usb camera plug. for example when i connect a usb camera to android phone and i get video call from whatsApp then camera view sh…
I get this is intended primarily at designing small things, not actual voxel maps.
But would it be hard to add a free first person camer? One that can do more than rotating around the central point? …
Can i run this code with my device such as zed/zed which has camer and imu?
In my opinio,i just need to replace the launch file,when i launch my device with ros,the plvio system would work。
Hi Camer,
Thank you very much for your contribution and give my strongly appreciate to you!!! I am studying your CGM, but found the core data of dati_REPLACE_BG.mat (https://t1dexchange.org/researc…